Tim Mason on the development of National Socialism in Nazi Germany, and the role of the working class. In PDF format. Copied to clipboard Attachments Mason working class.pdf (168.6 KB) fascism Germany Nazism Tim Mason PDF Comments
The Workers' Opposition in Nazi Germany - Tim Mason Tim Mason on resistance to the Nazis from the German working class.
Ends and beginnings - Tim Mason Notes on a paper Tim Mason was preparing in the last year of his life on Nazism. In PDF format.
Beating the fascists?: The German Communists and political violence 1929-1933 - Eve Rosenhaft Eve Rosenhaft examines the involvement of Communist Party militants in political…
The responsibility of peoples, and other essays in political criticism - Dwight Macdonald A collection of essays written by Dwight Macdonald, most of which appeared in his…
Auschwitz or the great alibi Article from Communist Left, No. 6, July – December, 1993; translated from La Gauche Communiste, no. 13., 1987. Original in Programme Communiste, N. 11, 1960. Although attributed to Amadeo Bordiga, it was probably written by the French-Jewish Bordigist Martin Axelrad (1926 – 2010), once a refugee, his parents died at Treblinka.
Nazism and the working class - Sergio Bologna Italian autonomist Sergio Bologna discusses the rise of Nazism and its relationship to the German working class.